In the present study a well-defined clonal culture of Histomonas meleagridis was used to investigate whether turkeys can be infected orally with in vitro-propagated parasites in the absence of any vector. Therefore, two subsequent experiments were arranged to study the morbidity and mortality of a virulent strain of histomonads in turkeys following crop instillation of protozoa and a feed restriction for 5 h. Soon after infection, the parasites triggered total morbidity and mortality in a group of 14 turkeys, of which 10 birds were orally infected and the others were kept as in-contact birds. Administration of the same number of histomonads into either the cloaca or the crop of individually housed birds was investigated subsequently, to avoid any bird-to-bird transmission. All eight cloacally infected turkeys and six out of eight orally infected turkeys contracted severe histomonosis, with only two birds surviving the infection expressing no clinical signs. During pathological investigations, all birds showed pathognomonic lesions in the livers and caeca indicative for histomonosis, except the two turkeys that survived the infection. The results of the experiments verify for the first time the effective oral infection of 1-day-old turkeys with clonal in vitro-cultured H. meleagridis.