Anatomical variations of the radial artery are of clinical importance in end-stage renal disease patients awaiting creation of native arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis. As radial-cephalic direct wrist fistula is a vascular access of choice, atypical localization of the distal part of the radial artery may lead to the false assumption of severe atherosclerotic lesions and prevent creation of such an access, despite good vessel conditions and convenient surgical approach. We present 7 patients with radial artery variations. In 5 patients with superficial radial artery, radial-cephalic direct wrist access was created. One patient, due to an anomaly misdiagnosis, had radial-cephalic fistula created on the contra lateral wrist. In the patient with hypoplastic radial artery brachial-basilic upper arm transposition was created.