Purpose: gastroduodenal mucosa of two groups of patients with chronic liver disease was studied: schistosomotic mansoni patients (SH) and non-schistosomic patients (NSH). Results were compared to serum-gastrin levels. TYPE: prospective study.
Place: Unicamp University Hospital (Hospital das Clínicas), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
Patients: 24 patients were included in the results, out of 26 patients studied. Two groups of study: 12 patients with schistosomiasis and liver fibrosis (SH), and 12 patients with liver cirrhosis (NSH) secondary to alcoholism or to hepatitis.
Procedures: esophagogastroduodenoscopies and biopsies of gastric antrum and duodenum. Function tests of the liver were also studied.
Results: results of gastrinemia were found within normal ranges in both groups. Student test ("t") did not show differences between groups at the 5% level. However, patients with chronic liver cirrhosis had more significant and severe endoscopic findings and chronic inflammatory processes of the gastroduodenal mucosa (acute gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers) than patients with liver fibrosis.
Conclusions: patients with liver cirrhosis due to high risk of gastroduodenal bleeding should be maintained under continuous vigilance, appropriate diet and mucosa cytoprotectors. Furthermore, more research is required to study the etiology of gastroduodenal lesions in these specific groups of patients.