We cloned the thyroid hormone receptor alpha (TRalpha) and beta (TRbeta) cDNAs from the ovaries of the protandrous black porgy and compared the expression levels of TRalpha and TRbeta mRNA during the sex change in black porgy. We observed that the TRalpha mRNA by quantitative real-time PCR and protein levels by Western blot were highest in the mature ovaries. Additionally, TRbeta mRNA levels were only expressed highly in the mature ovaries when compared to any other gonadal stages. Then, we injected gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) to know the effects on TRs mRNA in immature black porgy. Injection with GnRHa resulted in a significant increase in TRalpha level while significantly reducing TRbeta level after 12h. We concluded that TRalpha was related in testicular development as well as ovarian development and TRbeta was only affect to ovarian development in black porgy. These results will provide a framework for better understanding of the role of TRs during sex change processes in this fish.