Treatment strategies of the advanced colorectal cancer remain unclear, especially concerning the indications for liver metastases resection.The study compares the results of liver colorectal metastases surgical resection in European clinics and Russian research center of surgery (RRCS). More than 6000 patients from international database LiverMetSurvey and 137 patients from the RRCS were analyzed. Multiple liver lesions more then 30 mm in diameter with extrahepatic tumor growth prevailed among RRCS patients. Therefore expanded and combined liver resections were more frequently performed at the RRCS then in LiverMetSurvey (65,3 vs. 41,5%, respectively). In addition, radio-frequent ablation as a component of surgical treatment, was more often used at the RRCS. At large, the study demonstrates that advanced forms of colorectal cancer are more often met in RRSC then in European centers.