Optical generation of narrow-band terahertz packets in periodically inverted electro-optic crystals: conversion efficiency and optimal laser pulse format

Opt Express. 2006 Mar 20;14(6):2263-76. doi: 10.1364/oe.14.002263.


We explore optical-to-terahertz conversion efficiencies which can be achieved with femto- and picosecond optical pulses in electro-optic crystals with periodically inverted sign of second-order susceptibility. Optimal crystal lengths, pulse durations, pulse formats and focusing are regarded. We show that for sufficiently short (femtosecond) optical pulses, with a pulsewidth much shorter than the inverse terahertz frequency, conversion efficiency does not depend on pulse duration. We also show that by mixing two picosecond pulses (bandwidth-limited or chirped), one can achieve conversion efficiency, which is the same as in the case of femtosecond pulse with the same pulse energy. Additionally, when the group velocity dispersion of optical pulses is small, one can substantially exceed Manley -Rowe conversion limit due to cascaded processes.