The authors studied the specific features of adaptation in a heterogeneous cohort of pupils (final-year pupils of common, compensating education classes and those of auxiliary schools) to the conditions of varying-level vocational training in building professions. The physiological cost of a learning process, which was associated with the volume and nature of a training load, was shown to be high. The functional capacities of different cohorts of pupils were comparatively assessed on the basis of the common integral index of mental performance, which offered more objective possibilities of hygienically substantiating the volume of an educational load. There was evidence that it was necessary to correct the total educational load in all forms of training, by taking into account a 5-day schooling week, the age of pupils and their capabilities. It was established that there was a need for improving work on pupils' health care, having regard to great differences available in the health status of final-year pupils from different types of educational establishments, contraindications to profession familiarization, the high spread of social and behavioral risk factors, and the influence of schooling and training factors.