Screening of cerebrovascular disease by transbranchial arch injection. One hundred and seventy five patients underwent non selective intra arterial digital subtraction angiography using a transbranchial approach. Unilateral failure occurred in eight patients, but contralateral approach was then possible. Transient cerebral ischaemia affected one patient. Seven locoregional complications occurred, five of them underwent among the seventy three first procedures. Experience of the examining radiologist, duration of procedure and diameter of the catheter (4 or 5 F) are essential safety factors. Three false-negative and one false-positive in carotid bifurcations appears with surgical results reviews. This safe and efficient technique is often sufficient for a therapeutic decision, especially for surgery, but, in a few cases, additional selective injections can be necessary. Possible in out patients, this approach is chosen when femoral artery catheterization is impossible, or before reconstructive aorto-ilio-femoral surgery, to decrease septic risk.