Background: Polymicrogyria is a disorder of cerebrocortical migration resulting in increased numbers of small, disorganized gyri. This disorder occurs in Standard Poodles and in cattle.
Objectives: To describe the clinical, electroencephalographic, imaging, and histopathologic features in poodles with polymicrogyria.
Animals: Five Standard Poodles with histologically confirmed polymicrogyria.
Methods: Retrospective case series. Cases were obtained by personal communication with 1 of 2 authors (TJVW, DPO).
Results: All dogs had cortical blindness and other neurologic abnormalities including gait and behavioral changes. Magnetic resonance imaging of 3 dogs showed multiple disorganized gyri, which were especially apparent on T2-weighted dorsal plane images. Electroencephalogram (EEG) of 1 dog revealed epileptiform discharges, including both spike and spike and wave discharges with voltage maximum potentials over the parietal/occipital region. The EEG supported that the repetitive behavior displayed by the dog was a complex partial motor seizure. One dog had concurrent hydrocephalus. All dogs had occipital lobe involvement and 2 dogs had involvement of other lobes.
Clinical importance: The cases presented here demonstrate a larger age range (7 weeks to 5 years) and a decreased frequency of associated hydrocephalus when compared with the previous report.