This research intends to clarify the future prospects of hospital pharmacists and also the factors which influence on their practices of blood drawing or injection by conducting research on their consciousness. We studied it using mail-in survey targeting on randomly selected 476 hospital pharmacists. Study items were the attribution of responders, the prospects of their status in 10 years later, and the system and practices which influence on their future prospects (for example, injection, blood drawing during TDM, and etc.). The collection rate of the questionnaire/inquiry sheet was 37.0%. Regarding their future prospects in 10 years, 65.1% of responders answered they felt pessimistic. Among those system and practices which could influence on the prospects, they answered "Pharmacy specialist system" as the most optimistic and "Diagnosis related group/Prospective payment system (Japanese version; DPC)" as the most pessimistic. Regarding the above mentioned future prospects for injection and blood drawing during TDM by pharmacists, we implemented an exploratory data analysis by applying responders' attribution to a logistic model. The result of it showed that the pharmacists who work longer years, are in charge of drug information, and work in a hospital having more corresponding number of sickbeds per pharmacist had more positive consciousness to the above-mentioned practices. We hope this study results will be utilized as objective information in the discussion on the expansion of pharmacists' job categories.