The authors show two cases of diaphragmatic rupture by blunt trauma with intra thoracic liver dislocation due to an accident on the street. The preoperative diagnosis has been based on the CT scan. The laparotomy, central for a patient and sub costal bilateral for the other one, gave the chance to repair the diaphragmatic defect directly and to deal with the associated lesions existing in both the casualties. No prosthetic material has been used and the reconstruction of the diaphragmatic defect has been conducted through a interrupted suture with non absorbable material. According to our experience the reparation of the diaphragmatic defect has always been conducted through a laparotomic approach and without using any prosthetic material. We repute that in these cases the laparotomic approach is the best one, which permits not only the reparation of the diaphragmatic defect but also the correct management of the related lesions which could be present. Usually we use a interrupted suture with non absorbable material for minor lesions and a continuous one, double layered if possible, for the major ones.