The kinetochore is assembled during mitotic and meiotic divisions within the centromeric region of chromosomes. It is composed of more than eighty different proteins. Spc105 (also designated as Spc7, KNL-1 or Blinkin in different eukaryotes) is a comparatively large kinetochore protein, which can bind to the Mis12/MIND and Ndc80 complexes and to the spindle assembly checkpoint components Bub1 and BubR1. Our genetic characterization of Drosophila Spc105 shows that a truncated version lacking the rapidly evolving, repetitive central third still provides all essential functions. Moreover, in comparison with Cenp-C that has previously been observed to extend from the inner to the outer kinetochore region, full-length Spc105 is positioned further out and is not similarly extended along the spindle axis. Thus, our results indicate that Spc105 forms neither an extended link connecting inner Cenp-A chromatin with outer kinetochore regions nor a scaffold constraining kinetochore subcomplexes and spindle assembly checkpoint components together into a geometrically rigid supercomplex. Spc105 seems to provide a platform within the outer kinetochore allowing independent assembly of various kinetochore components.