Present investigations were carried out on 10 dead animals including eight in lambs, one in goat kid and one in calf during subtropical summer at a local farm. The weather was hot and humid with rain occurring during the period. The history suggests an association of weather and concentrate/lush green diet/fodder with occurrence of the disease. The most consistent clinical signs reported were no interest in feeding, herding in a corner with head down, diarrhea of low degree and temperature around 102 degrees F. At postmortem examination, the most consistent findings were swollen soft kidneys, hydropericardium, congested and edematous lungs, congested liver, myocardial hemorrhages and ballooning of intestines. The histopathological examination revealed the most striking changes in kidney of vacuolation in renal tubular epithelial cells and increased Bowman's space in the glomeruli. The histopathological examination of liver revealed congestion. Lungs revealed congestion and edema. The urine from urinary bladder collected showed high glucose. The deaths in these animals were probably due to enterotoxaemia type D.