Aims: To assess incidence of chronic kidney disease in general population and to describe baseline characteristics of incident patients.
Methods: Between 1st/01/04 and 30/06/06 all incident cases of chronic kidney disease in the Nancy district were prospectively identified. New cases were identified from all medical laboratories in this area and determined by a persistently increased serum creatinine level (> or = 150micromol/l, or paediatric levels) for 3 months after the 1st/01/04, and by living in Nancy area.
Results: The annual incidence rate of detected chronic kidney disease was 1 per thousand inhabitants (1,3 per thousand for men and 0,7 per thousand for women). Incidents patients were old (mean age: 77 years) and with numerous comorbidities (diabetes: 34 %, cardiac failure: 23 %). More than 30% of incident patients were diagnosed at sever stage of chronic kidney disease (<30ml/min/1,73m(2)).
Conclusions: The annual incidence of diagnosed chronic kidney disease is common: 10 times more than end-stage renal disease in France. Most of these patients are diagnosed in a severe stage of chronic kidney disease whereas they could be detected earlier and benefit from adequate, appropriate and multidisciplinary take care.