Purpose: To analyze the results of treatment of eyelid xanthelasma (EX) with 70% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with regard to efficacy, cosmetic appearance, patient satisfaction, and recurrence rate.
Methods: Twenty-four patients with EX of up to one third of the affected palpebral area were treated with 70% TCA. All patients were photographed at the start of treatment and 3 months after the last application. The recurrence rate was analyzed at the end of 6 months of treatment.
Results: The average number of applications of 70% TCA until the xanthelasma resolved was 1.5. Eleven patients (45.8%) had an excellent result, 8 (33.3%) a good result, and 5 (20.8%) had a satisfactory result. The most common complication was hypopigmentation (33.3%). All patients reported an improved final cosmetic result. Six patients (25%) treated with 70% TCA had a recurrence 6 months after treatment.
Conclusions: The results of prospective treatment of 24 patients with EX with 70% TCA indicated that this is a simple and effective method, achieves a satisfactory cosmetic result, has an acceptable recurrence rate, and high patient satisfaction.