This retrospective study in pediatric ward of general hospital, which is a secondary care level hospital having 100 beds. Study period was six months, from 1st July 2006 to 31st December 2006. Records of all admitted patients was meticulously reviewed and analyzed. During this period 11,580 patients were admitted in the hospital of which 2638(22.86%) were pediatric patients. Among the pediatric patient 909(34.46%) were neonate. These 909 neonates were enrolled in this study. The top three neonatal diseases were perinatal asphyxia (57.2%), neonatal septicemia (18.5%) low birth weight including very low birth weight (8.91%). Among admitted patient 70% were out born. Most of the neonatal disease were male predominant. Most of the death was due to perinatal asphyxia (63.06%) then septicemia (17.88%) and preterm low birth weight including very low birth weight babies (8.99%). Death among low birth weight babies were higher (35.58%) than normal birth weight babies (27.29%). Death also was common in preterm babies (43.70%) than term babies (16.8%). Association of septicemia and death among low birth weight babies were higher than normal birth weight babies. Association of septicemia among low birth weight babies was 33.06% and among normal birth weight babies were 12.87%. Death among low birth weight babies was 23.1% and among normal birth weight babies were 16.87%. Total death rate among admitted patients was 20.79%.