Although ultrasound examination is a frequent procedure during pregnancy, routine use has not been effective to reduce maternal or perinatal morbidity-mortality.
Objective: Assess frequency of breast examination and of oncotic cervical cytology among prenatal exams and compare it to frequency of obstetrical ultrasound.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional evaluation conducted in the city of Rio Grande, RS, Brazil between May and July 2007. Data obtained with a structured questionnaire were entered into the Epi-Info 6.04 program and analyzed using the SPSS software.
Results: Among the 230 puerperae interviewed, 99.1% had undergone an ultrasound during pregnancy, while 37.5% and 33.6% had been submitted to clinical examination of the breasts and cervical cytology, respectively. It was noted that a larger number of obstetrical echographies increased the probability that a patient would be submitted to clinical examination of the breasts. On the other hand, the number of cytopathological evaluations of the uterine cervix was not influenced by the number of ultrasound examinations.
Conclusion: Obstetrical echography was given priority and performed as a routine exam, whereas clinical examination of the breasts and cervical cytopathological examination were not, although considered obligatory during the prenatal period. These data confirm the tendency documented in literature indicating an inversion of priorities, favoring ultrasonography over breast examination and cervical pathological exams. For this reason, further studies and evaluations of health programs, also of the real impact of this inversion on the population health indices are recommended.