The study was designed to determine the pattern of relapsed disease and identify problem areas in management. Relapse occurred in 111 (23.9%) of the boys and 16 (13.0%) of the girls. The majority relapsed while on chemotherapy. Isolated relapse in the marrow and in the CNS was seen in 51 (40.8%) and 24 (18.9%) patients, respectively. Isolated testicular relapse was seen in 17 (15.3%) of the 111 boys who suffered a relapse. Age and TLC at initial presentation and gender in relapsers and nonrelapsers were compared. Multivariate regression analysis showed that gender (p = .03) and TLC (p = .001) were significant predictors of relapse. Relapse of disease while on chemotherapy and high incidence of CNS and testicular relapse indicate the need for reappraisal of treatment protocols.