The cytosolic cysteine protease calpain is implicated in a multitude of cellular functions but also plays a role in cell damage. Our previous results suggest that an activation of calpain accompanied by a decrease in its endogenous inhibitor calpastatin may contribute to pancreatic damage during cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. The present study aimed at the time course of secretagogue-induced calpain activation and cellular substrates of the protease. Isolated rat pancreatic acini were incubated with a supramaximal concentration of cholecystokinin (0.1 microM CCK) for 30 min in the presence or absence of the calpain inhibitor Z-Val-Phe methyl ester (100 microM ZVP). The activation of calpain and the expression of calpastatin and the actin cytoskeleton-associated proteins alphaII-spectrin, E-cadherin and vinculin were studied by immunoblotting. The cell damage was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and ultrastructural analysis including fluorescence-labelled actin filaments. Immediately after administration, CCK led to activation of both calpain isoforms, mu- and m-calpain. The protease activation was accompanied by a decrease in the E-cadherin level and formation of calpain-specific breakdown products of alphaII-spectrin. A calpain-specific cleavage product of vinculin appeared concomitantly with changes in the actin filament organization. No effect of CCK on calpastatin was found. Inhibition of calpain by ZVP reduced CCK-induced damage of the actin-associated proteins and the cellular ultrastructure including the actin cytoskeleton. The results suggest that CCK-induced acinar cell damage requires activation of calpain and that the actin cytoskeleton belongs to the cellular targets of the protease.