Objectives: To investigate, in a retrospective study, whether smoking cigarettes increases the effect of varicocele on sperm morphology.
Methods: The semen quality of 2 groups of patients with varicocele were compared, those who smoked (n = 121) and those who did not (n = 158). The semen parameters were evaluated, and sperm morphology was assessed using transmission electron microscopy and quantitatively elaborated (fertility index, immaturity, necrosis, and apoptosis percentages).
Results: In the smoker and nonsmoker varicocele-associated cases, sperm motility and the results from transmission electron microscopy analysis were significantly impaired compared with controls. However, a nonsignificant difference was detected when the semen parameters were compared. Subsequently, we divided the patients into 4 groups: mild (> or = 1 but < or = 10 cigarettes/d), moderate (>10 but <20 cigarettes/d), and heavy (> or = 20 cigarettes/d) smokers and a group of randomly chosen nonsmoker patients with varicocele. The sperm motility, sperm concentration, and fertility index decreased and the percentage of sperm pathologic features increased as the number of cigarettes smoked daily increased.
Conclusions: A detrimental effect of cigarette smoking (>10 cigarettes/d) associated with varicocele on sperm motility and morphology was observed. Because much of reduced fecundity associated with smoking may be reversed within 1 year of cessation, as reported in published studies, effective interventions targeted at helping patients quit smoking should be addressed for the benefit of general health and fertility.