Objective: To evaluate the neonatal outcomes of infants delivered to mothers with early-onset preeclampsia.
Study design: This is a retrospective cohort of 1709 infants delivered at 24 0/7 to 29 6/7 weeks gestation was examined. Neonatal outcomes of 235 infants delivered prematurely because of preeclampsia were compared with 1474 infants delivered preterm because of other etiologies. Primary outcomes examined included: small for gestational age (SGA), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and neonatal death (NND). Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the association between preeclampsia and the neonatal outcomes, controlling for potential confounders.
Results: Infants of women with preeclampsia were more likely to be SGA (17.8% vs. 5.6%, AOR 3.9, CI 2.5-6.2) and have RDS (70.6% vs. 60.7%, AOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.2); however, they were less likely to suffer a NND (11.1% vs. 18.1%, AOR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4-0.9).
Conclusion: Compared with neonates delivered prematurely because of other etiologies, neonates born to preeclamptic mothers were more likely to be SGA and have RDS, but had a decrease in mortality. This may be a reflection of the differences in the underlying pathophysiology behind indicated preterm birth due to preeclampsia.