Respectively, 387 and 316 men who have ever had anal or oral sex with men (MSM) in Kunming, China, were interviewed in 2005 and 2006. In both surveys, over 85% reported having had anal sex with noncommercial male sex partners; around 60% had ever had female sex partners; and about 16% engaged in commercial anal sex in the last 6 months. The prevalence of unprotected anal sex decreased over time (last episode of anal sex with noncommercial MSM partner: 37.7% (2005) versus 21.9% (2006) (Adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.43); last episode of anal sex with commercial MSM partner, 20.8% (2005) versus 10.8% (2006) (Adjusted OR = 0.50). Some behavioral changes may have occurred. Multivariate analyses showed that study year (OR = 2.24), age (OR = 1.64), marital status (OR = 2.07), and perceived infectivity related to unprotected sex with people living with HIV/AIDS (OR = 0.3) were associated with condom use in the last episode of anal sex with noncommercial MSM partners.