Selective reduction was carried out in 46 multifetal pregnancies by means of potassium chloride injection into the pericardial region of the fetus. There were three indications for the procedure: to improve perinatal outcome and to increase the likelihood that a term infant would be born in a multifetal pregnancy (34 women); to allow the birth of a healthy infant without the birth of a congenitally abnormal coexisting fetus (8 women); and to preserve a singleton pregnancy when the woman would otherwise have the whole pregnancy terminated (4 women). Of the 80 fetuses left after reduction 75 (94%) have survived. In 3 cases ultrasound scanning showed cardiac activity in the injected fetus 20-30 min after the initial injection despite 2 min of asystole immediately after the injection; repeated injection, carried out the same day, led to fetal death in all 3 cases. Selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies for the three indications described is an ethically justifiable option for the management of multifetal pregnancy, to which there are no public policy obstacles.