Several investigations of cognitive functioning in individuals with schizophrenia and co-occurring cocaine use have yielded mixed results when compared with samples with schizophrenia only. However, no studies have specifically compared remitted and current cocaine dependence in schizophrenia. Such an analysis could help clarify the degree and type of cognitive impairment associated with cocaine dependence in schizophrenia. Two samples of individuals with schizophrenia - those with current cocaine dependence (n = 72) and those with cocaine dependence in remission (n = 48) were compared on a brief neuropsychological test battery. Parallel current dependent and remitted samples with affective disorder (n = 65 and n = 55) were also included in the analyses. Results yielded few neuropsychological differences between remitted and current dependent states across the SZ and AD groups. These findings suggest that cognitive impairment may be relatively static in these populations.