The full-length cDNA sequences of four HSPs genes were amplified from Macrocentrus cingulum, respectively named Mchsp90, Mchsc70, Mchsp70 and Mchsp23.8. These four genes were submitted to GenBank database and assigned to GenBank accession number: EU570065, EU585780, EU585779 and EU624206. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Mchsp90, Mchsc70 and Mchsp70 were located in cytoplasm. Moreover, the Mchsc70 was a member of heat shock cognate protein 70 while the Mchsp70 was a member of heat shock inducible 70. The expression analysis indicated that these four genes were differentially expressed at larval, pupal and adult stages. Under normal conditions, the mRNA levels of Mchsp90 and Mchsc70 were higher than Mchsp70 while Mchsp23.8 was decreased during aging. The mRNA levels of these four genes could be up-regulated by heat shock besides Mchsp70 and Mchsp23.8 could be increased more dramatically than Mchsp90 and Mchsc70. These results suggested that Mchsp90, Mchsp70 and Mchsp23.8 might have dual functions under normal and heat shock conditions while Mchsp70 and Mchsp23.8 might supply more important protection under heat shock.