This chapter is divided into two sections, the first dealing with a novel immune activation gene, denoted Act-2. This gene encodes a secreted protein that may represent a new cytokine. The Act-2 protein shares significant homology with proteins in two related families of small secreted proteins. Act-2 is rapidly synthesized by activated T cells, B cells and monocytes. The second section deals with interleukin-2 receptors. These receptors are now known to be comprised of three distinct classes of receptors, formed by various combinations of two IL-2 binding proteins, the alpha and beta chains. The low-affinity receptors contain alpha, but not beta chains; the intermediate-affinity receptors contain beta, but not alpha chains, and the high-affinity receptors contain both alpha and beta chains. The beta chain appears to be tyrosine phosphorylated. We discuss evidence for the existence of another protein of relative molecular mass 100,000, which appears to be a subunit of at least the high-affinity receptor.