Aim: To investigate the biomechanical properties of porous collagen matrices in a rat abdominal wall defect model.
Study design: 112 rats were implanted with non-cross-linked InteXèn LP, cross-linked Pelvicol, and two investigational acellular collagen matrices (ACMs) sterilized either with ethylene oxide (ACM ETO) or gamma-irradiation (ACM GI). After 14, 30, 90 and 180 days, 7 animals per group were sacrificed to document adhesions, herniation, infection, stress resistance and histology.
Results: The 2 sterilization methods did not cause measurable differences between ACMs. Pelvicol was more resistant than ACMs but showed degradation at 90 days without loss of strength. InteXèn LP became remodeled as a thin fibrous scar and was more resistant at all time points; however, some animals developed bulging.
Conclusions: Non-cross-linked InteXèn LP became remodeled by 180 days with remarkable stress resistance. Despite cross-linking Pelvicol showed degradation. Comparable but investigational ACM explants were less resistant without morphologic differences to explain this.