The STD Department of Semmelweis University Budapest is the National Centre of Hungary, which is responsible for screening and care of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), including syphilis and gonorrhoea. 42,114 patients attended the STD Department and 25,362 anonymous screening (HIV: 12,337, syphilis: 13,025) were done between January 2005 and December 2008. During this period 600 syphilitic and 339 gonorrhoea infections were diagnosed. The obligatory HIV screening of patients with sexually transmitted infections (STI) resulted positive result in 47 cases, and 63 patients infected with HIV acquired new syphilitic or gonorrhoea infection. Contact tracing was successful in around 400 syphilis cases, and 150-200 gonorrhoea cases per year. We present our statistical data in order to call attention to the resurgence of syphilis and gonorrhoea and the importance of STD co-infections.