Requirements for stimulating autocrine proliferation of human T cell clones expressing either alpha/beta or gamma/delta antigen receptors via the "alternative" CD2 pathway have been examined using a large set of monoclonal antibodies (mAb). In the presence of autologous accessory cells (AC, B-lymphoblastoid cell lines) 2 of 13 single CD2 mAb (CLB-T11.1/1 and 6F10.3) stimulated proliferation of gamma/delta but not alpha/beta cells. Interleukin (IL) 1 or IL 6 did not substitute for AC in stimulating gamma/delta clones. Addition of CD28 mAb YTH 913.12 with the CD2 mAb did not result in stimulation of any alpha/beta clones. In the absence of AC, none of the CD2 mAb singly could stimulate any T cell clones, but pairs of mAb directed to different epitopes of CD2 (CLB-T11.1/1 + CLB- T11.2/1 or 6F10.3 + 39C1.5) stimulated both alpha/beta and gamma/delta clones. In both cases, stimulation was reduced by the presence of CD3 mAb. These results confirm that the established AC-independent alternative pathway of T cell activation, which requires binding of two separate epitopes of CD2, operates in both gamma/delta and alpha/beta T cells, and further suggest that an additional pathway initiated by binding of a single CD2 epitope in the presence of AC is exclusively operational in gamma/delta cells.