Chemical peeling is a popular, relatively inexpensive, and generally safe method to refresh and rejuvenate skin. This review focuses on superficial chemical peels and their use in routine clinical practice. A wide variety of peels are available, utilizing various actives and concentrations, including a recently introduced salicylic acid derivative, beta-lipohydroxy acid, which has properties that may expand the clinical use of peels. Superficial peels can be used to enhance treatment within a variety of conditions, including acne, melasma, dyschromias, photodamage and actinic keratoses. In addition, peels can be combined with other in-office procedures to optimize outcomes and enhance patient satisfaction, and allow clinicians to tailor the treatment to individual patient's needs. Successful outcomes are based on a thorough understanding and application of correct chemical peel procedures, including history-taking, pretreatment, preparation, peel selection, patient communication and maintenance regimens.Used properly, the superficial chemical peel has the potential to fill an important therapeutic need in the treatment armamentarium of dermatologists and plastic surgeons.