Neurotransmitters such as dopamine play an important role in regulating fish reproduction. However, the potential for neuroendocrine active chemicals to disrupt fish reproduction has not been well studied, despite emerging evidence of their discharge into aquatic environments. This study is the first to apply the fathead minnow 21 d reproduction assay developed for the US Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program to evaluate the reproductive toxicity of a model neuroendocrine active chemical, the dopamine 2 receptor antagonist, haloperidol. Continuous exposure to up to 20 imcrog haloperidol/L had no significant effects on fathead minnow fecundity, secondary sex characteristics, gonad histology, or plasma steroid and vitellogenin concentrations. The only significant effect observed was an increase in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH) transcripts in the male brain. Results suggest that non-lethal concentrations of haloperidol do not directly impair fish reproduction. Potential effects of haloperidol on reproductive behaviors and gene expression were examined in a companion study.
Published by Elsevier Inc.