Objective: To report the clinical and radiological data of a 23-year-woman with bilateral angiomyolipoma and Tuberous Sclerosis with conservative treatment.
Methods: The patient underwent conservative urological management, based on clinical and complementary tests data (ultrasonography, CT scanning, excretory urogram, and laboratory). Monitoring was carried out in external consultation by the urooncology group. In some occasions she was hospitalized due to distant geographical factors.
Results: This patient provides long-term outcome of AML with Tuberous Sclerosis followed by repeated evaluation to define the conservative management or not. Ultrasound and CT scan were two basic studies to maintain conservative treatment, as well as a good clinical evaluation.
Conclusions: Renal lesions associated with tuberous sclerosis are frequent and serious. Monitoring should be based on a careful monitoring since the renal lesions are the second death cause after the lesions of the nervous system. This case report provides long-term outcome of AML with tuberous sclerosis, that can be followed expectantly with repeated evaluations to define the clinical significance.