Objectives: To investigate the clinical effect of tamsulosin for the treatment of functional bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) in adult women.
Methods: In a prospective, longitudinal open-label study, 63 women affected by functional BOO were treated with tamsulosin. Inclusion criteria were: age >18 years, reporting voiding symptoms (intermittent stream, hesitancy, straining and/or a feeling of incomplete emptying), uroflowmetry maximum flow rate (Q(max)) under 12 ml and/or presence of postvoid residual greater than 50% of the voiding volume. Exclusion criteria were: patients suffering from any other anatomical or functional disorder such as urethral stenosis, pelvic organ prolapse, neurological disturbances, or systemic diseases that could impact upon bladder voiding. Tamsulosin was administered in a single daily dose of 0.4 mg for at least 30 days. Primary outcomes were clinical efficacy and Q(max) improvement; secondary outcomes were tolerability and safety. Voiding and storage symptoms and uroflowmetry results were assessed before and at the end of the alpha-blocker therapy.
Results: Tamsulosin therapy was well tolerated. After therapy voiding symptoms improved in 71.4% of patients (45/63; p < 0.0001), and if associated with storage symptoms in 66.67% (26/39; p < 0.00001). Recurrent infections were reduced by 50% in 81% (21/26) of patients. Uroflowmetry parameters improved in 36/63 patients (57.1%). Postvoiding residue improved in 62.5% (10/16) and disappeared in 25% (4/16) with no significant changes in voided volume. An improvement was observed in 66% (16/24) of patients with isolated voiding symptoms, in 51.2% (20/39) with associated storage symptoms and in 65% (17/26) of women with associated recurrent urinary infections.
Conclusions: These results suggest that alpha-blocker may be an effective treatment option in women with voiding dysfunction due to functional BOO.