Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based cell therapy has shifted into clinical trials to repair the damage of various tissues. In this setting, the survival of the transplanted cells contributes critically to the therapeutic effectiveness. To investigate the in vivo tracing of MSCs, a recombinant retroviral vector carrying firefly-luciferase reporter gene [pL (FLUC) SN] was constructed and several GPE+86 cell clones that stably expressed fluc were selected. The retroviral supernatants were collected and used to transfect MSC derived from C57 mice. The cells were then screened with G418 and the expression of the exogenous gene was identified by luciferase enzyme activity analysis. Labeled mouse MSCs (2x10(6)) were injected into skeletal muscles, and the in situ expression was noninvasively tracked by in vivo bioluminescence imaging for 1, 3 and 6 days after transplantation. The results showed that the survival rates of the grafted cells dropped sharply with time, they were 57.2+/-11.7%, 8.6+/-2.5% and 5.4+/-3.1% on day 1, 3 and 6 after transplantation, and no fluorescent signals above background were detected on day 10. It is concluded that the method described above could be used for in vivo tracing of grafted cells. Furthermore, MSCs could not survive even transplanted into the none-ischemic skeletal muscles.