Biphasic radiography was compared with fiberoptic endoscopy in detecting gastric erosions in a prospective, blinded study of 385 patients with dyspepsia. Because no absolute standard was available for the comparison, since histologic confirmation of all erosions was not possible, the kappa statistic was used to compare results from both modalities. Flat (incomplete) erosions were detected with endoscopy only and were considered to be present in 42 patients (11.2%). Varioliform (complete) erosions were identified with both radiography and endoscopy in 12 patients (3.2%). For the detection of varioliform erosions, a substantial agreement beyond chance between both modalities was found (kappa = 0.73; standard error, 0.12). Thus, flat erosions were detected with endoscopy only, whereas state-of-the-art radiography and endoscopy were equally sensitive for detecting varioliform erosions. Histologic confirmation of erosions was obtained in only 75% of the patients. It is unknown whether the demonstration of erosions with radiography and/or endoscopy correlates with dyspepsia.