Guidelines for flow cytometric enumeration of CD34(+) hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) recommend the use of a single-platform assay. The SCE kit has recently been commercialized by BD Biosciences. Results obtained with this newly available kit were compared with CD34(+) cell enumerations obtained in parallel with already commercialized diagnostic kits; fresh peripheral blood, apheresis, cord blood (CB) and bone marrow (BM) samples, as well as thawed apheresis and CB samples, were assayed. The SCE kit produced data for CD34(+) enumeration that correlate well with data produced with the older assays (r(2) > or = 0.9). Practical advantages were the ability to enumerate viable CD34 cells in all kinds of HSC products, the absence of bead pipetting (which decreases results precision) and a gating strategy complying with international recommendations. A major disadvantage was the absence of specific software for data analyses and presentation of results.