Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of inducible enzymes that are important in carcinogen detoxification. GST-Mu class is showing the high activity towards most polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) epoxide. Our objective is to clarify the expression of GST-M2 in non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) patients and to determine the role of GST-M2 in protecting against DNA damage. We detected changes in GST-M2 expression at mRNA levels with a panel of lung cell lines and clinical samples of malignant and paired adjacent non-malignant tissues from 50 patients with stage I or II non-small-cell lung carcinoma using real-time RT-PCR. Comet assay and gamma-H2AX were used to clarify whether DNA damaged was protected by GST-M2. Our data demonstrate that the expression of GST-M2 in tumor tissues is significantly lower than in paired adjacent non-malignant tissues (p=0.016). Loss of GST-M2 is closely associated with age, gender, T value, N value and cell differentiation (p<0.05) in early stage I/II patients. Downregulation of GST-M2 is mediated through aberrant hypermethylation in lung cancer cell lines. Protection against B[a]P-induced DNA damage by GST-M2 in lung cancer cells was detected by Comet assay and gamma-H2AX. In conclusion, DNA hypermethylation altered and reduced GST-M2 expression that resulted in susceptible to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) induced DNA damage. It implies that GST-M2 reduction occurs prior to tumorigenesis.
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