The biomolecular/organic hetero-structure films (cytochrome c/11-mercapto-undecanoic acid) on gold substrates were controlled and fabricated with molecular level for developing valuable molecular electronic devices. Cytochrome c is a metalloprotein having redox property, which can be directly applicable to biomemory device as a active element. For efficient immobilization of the protein on the gold substrate, 11-mercapto-undecanoic acid (11-MUA) was used as a linker material between protein and inorganic substrate. The proposed nano scaled biomolecular/organic hetero-structure layer (cytochrome c/11-MUA) on gold surface was investigated by using surface plasmon resonance technique. The molecular morphology of the fabricated protein layer was confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy. Electrochemical properties of fabricated biomolecular/organic hetero layer were verified using cyclic voltammetry. Their redox properties was sustained over 1000 cycles of cyclic voltametry. It proved that the fabricated film was a suitable platform for the bioelectronic device application.