Aims: To investigate the immunohistochemical profile of cervical mesonephric remnants.
Methods and results: Cases of mesonephric remnants, microglandular hyperplasia, tunnel clusters, tuboendometrioid metaplasia and cervical adenocarcinomas were immunohistochemically stained with Ki-67, CD10, bcl2 and p16. All 26 cases of mesonephric remnants were strongly positive for bcl2 and weakly to moderately positive for p16. CD10 was positive in 19 cases. Seven cases were negative and 19 weakly positive for Ki-67. All 10 cases of tuboendometrioid metaplasia showed high positivity for bcl2. Two cases were negative for p16; seven cases presented low and one case moderate positivity. Five cases were negative for CD10, while in five the staining was low. Six cases of tuboendometrioid metaplasia were negative for Ki-67, while four showed low staining. Tunnel clusters were negative for all antibodies, except one, which showed focal positivity for Ki-67 and p16. All cases of microglandular hyperplasia were negative for bcl2, p16 and CD10 and only 5/12 showed focal positivity for Ki-67. All adenocarcinomas were negative for bcl2 and CD10, and highly positive for p16 and Ki-67.
Conclusions: bcl2 is more constantly and strongly expressed in mesonephric remnants than CD10. p16 is weakly to moderately positive, while Ki-67 is negative to weakly positive.