For the separation of the complex system of alcohol fraction of Fructus schisandrae chinensis, complex sample analysis system software (CSASS) was utilized to optimize the high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) conditions. The HPLC retention parameters a and c, and the peak shape parameters sigma and W1/2 were obtained accurately and rapidly by analyzing 4 linear gradient elutions. Based on the 4 parameters, the chromatogram in any gradient condition could be simulated and predicted precisely. The HPLC optimization method was developed using moved overlapping separation ranging map and simulated chromatogram technology. The HPLC analysis of the alcohol fraction of Fructus schisandrae chinensis could be finished in 40 min, and good resolution for components with general or low abundance was achieved. This method could be used to predict retention times and peak shapes of components in Fructus schisandrae chinensis. And based on the precise predicted results, the optimized separation conditions can be obtained.