Spontaneous ileal perforation is a very rare cause of peritonitis. It occurs, in most of the cases, as a complication of Crohn's disease or intestinal tuberculosis. We present the case of a 23-year-old female patient with multiple surgical interventions during the last year, for iterative ileal spontaneous perforation with generalized peritonitis of which cause was initially assigned to intestinal tuberculosis. Actual episode of generalized peritonitis was determined once again by an ileal perforation of 5 mm at 70 cm from the ileo-cecal valve situated on a suture scar. Distally, a bowel stricture and a non-complicated Meckel's diverticulum were also noted. We performed an enterectomy including all three aforementioned lesions with end-to-end anastomosis. The histopathologic report revealed granulomatous giant-cellular inflammation in the margins of the perforation. The tuberculous etiology was questioned because of the negativity of the PCR-test and multiple recidives of perforation under specific anti-tuberculous medical therapy. The discovery of some rests of non-resorbable suturing material in a granuloma on an ancient enterorraphy scar in the resected specimen, finally established the cause. The granulomatous giant-cellular inflammation of foreign body is a rare cause of ileal perforation. The histopathologic differential diagnosis is difficult needing correlation with clinical data. Usage of resorbable suture material avoids that risk.