To assess the validity of gated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in determining left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF), MRI (Spin Echo, multislice-multiphase technique on the short-axis plane) was compared with equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography in 32 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. All patients underwent MRI and radionuclide ventriculography, performed consecutively on the same day (mean time interval between the 2 examinations: 40 minutes). Comparison with LVEF showed a high correlation (y = 0.79 X +3.51, r = 0.91; p less than 0.001). Mean difference between radionuclide ventriculography and MRI data was 1.7, with the 95% confidence interval 0.71 to 2.68: MRI slightly underestimated LVEF. MRI interobserver and intrapatient variability (assessed in 15 of 32 patients) showed a high correlation (r = 0.91, r = 0.98). In conclusion, data suggest that MRI, using the short-axis approach and the multislice-multiphase technique, is an accurate, noninvasive, highly reproducible method of evaluating LVEF in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.