We evaluated the effect of preconditioning of the isometric contractile response of canine tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) in vitro. Strips of epithelium-free TSM (n = 90) were excised from 16 anesthetized dogs and fixed isometrically in tissue perfusion chambers. Experiments were performed using methods previously reported in which the following parameters were investigated: 1) quiescent equilibration time in the perfusion chamber (0-120 min); 2) effect of repeated exchange of perfusate; 3) method of determining the optimal resting length (Lmax) for presetting of resting tension (RT); 4) effect of precontraction during the equilibration phase on the contractile response to agonists administered subsequently; and 5) method of determining RT on the response to muscarinic stimulation. When other variables were uniform, neither equilibration time nor perfusate exchange affected potency or efficacy of the response generated subsequently to acetylcholine (ACh). However, both potency (range of EC50: -5.71 +/- 0.14 log M to -6.52 +/- 0.24 log M; P less than 0.02) and efficacy (range of maximal active tension: 1,143 +/- 268 g/cm2 to 2,878 +/- 151 g/cm2; P less than 0.001) of ACh were altered substantially as a result of the method used to estimate Lmax. Repeated precontraction by electrical field stimulation or with 127 mM KCl did not alter potency or efficacy of contraction elicited by ACh. Maximal active tension generated with 10(-3) M ACh was 2,878 +/- 151 g/cm2 after 12-15 tetanizing field stimulations and 2,696 +/- 198 g/cm2 after 5-7 contractions with 127 mM KCl (P = NS).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)