Seminal emission after transection of canine bilateral hypogastric nerves was investigated. Stimulation of severed hypogastric nerves caused full volume seminal emission (greater than four drops) in all six dogs examined. In contrast, stimulation of sympathetic trunks of other six dogs at the level of caudal mesenteric artery caused no emission in three dogs and a limited volume of seminal emission (less than one drop) by pressing the ampulla in the remaining. When hypogastric nerves were transected one month prior to the experiment, however, stimulation of sympathetic trunks in the same manner caused full volume of seminal emission in all six dogs. Distal dissection of sympathetic trunks demonstrated nerve fibers to the seminal tract via the pelvic splanchnic nerves. The results indicate that the seminal tract receives at least two sympathetic pathways; one from hypogastric nerves and the other from lumbosacral sympathetic trunks, and that the latter compensatorily generates seminal emission after hypogastric nerve transection.