The preferred treatment for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has not been determined. In order to obtain adequate control of malignant effusion for multimodality therapy, we have introduced intrapleural perfusion hyperthermo-chemotherapy (IPHC) with cisplatin. IPHC was performed with a roller pump and heat exchanger. Cisplatin was added when the temperature stabilized to a mean of 42.5 degrees C. Dosages of cisplatin were 80 mg/m2. The circuit was filled with 2,000 ml saline. A IPHC was performed for 60 minutes under both lung ventilation. IPHC with cisplatin is feasible, easy to perform, and relatively safe. This method had brought an ideal pleural adhesion. IPHC may offer excellent local control for patients with MPM. Some literatures have reported the utility of IPHC for trimodality therapy on MPM.