Bortezomib (VELCADE), thalidomide and dexamethasone (VTD), as well as melphalan, prednisolone, and thalidomide (MPT) therapy, are highly effective in patients with multiple myeloma. We evaluated the responses and survival times of 35 patients treated with VTD followed by MPT. All patients were newly diagnosed and non-transplantation candidates. Patients received six cycles of VTD, which were followed by eight cycles of MPT. Approximately 97% of patients exhibited early responses to therapy, as early as the second cycle of VTD. Thirty percent of the responses were high quality, which was defined as a complete response (CR), a near-CR or a very good partial response. High-risk patients were defined as patients with any of the following aberrations: del(13), t(4;14), or del(17p). The remaining patients were defined as standard risk. Eleven high-risk patients showed 100% response rates, including 91% high-quality responses. In contrast, 13 standard-risk patients exhibited 92% response rates, including 61% high-quality responses. The overall 2-year survival rates were 60% in high-risk patients and 85% in standard-risk patients, which was not significantly different. As a first-line therapy, VTD followed by MPT has the potential to provide high-quality responses with durable remission among elderly and high-risk patients ( identifier: NCT00320476).