Isolation, cloning, sequencing of brain type aromatase and its expression in male and female Wrasse, Pseudolabrus sieboldi

Fish Physiol Biochem. 2005 Apr;31(2-3):137-41. doi: 10.1007/s10695-006-0015-4.


Pseudolabrus sieboldi, wrasse being a diurnal spawner provides a good opportunity to study the endocrine mechanism of estrogen formation in brain and gonads. Moreover, an extremely large amount of E2 was produced in serum and testis of wrasse. It is assumed that the presence of E2 may play a major role in diurnal gametogenesis in male fish. In this study brain type aromatase have been isolated, cloned and sequenced from the brain of wrasse. Further, the expression pattern of brain type aromatase in gonads and adult tissue of male and female fish have been analyzed. In addition, the diurnal expression pattern of brain type aromatase in both male and female fish brain during spawning season have been analyzed.The P450arom (br) was isolated, cloned and sequenced from both male and female bamboleaf wrasse. The P450arom (br) gene (1877 sequenced nucleotide) contains an ORF of 1470 bp, a 5'-UTR of 18 bp and at least 407 bp in 3'-UTR. The amino acid sequence homology in the coding region of wrasse P450arom (br) is high compared to that of medaka, Oryzias latipes (80%), rainbow trout type 2, Oncorhynchu mykiss (78.2%), fugu, Takifugu ribripes (78%) rainbow trout type 1, (76%), goldfish, Carassius auratus (66.8%) and zebrafish, Danio rerio (66.2%). Expression study reveals that P450arom (br) mRNA were most abundant in brains of both male and female fish throughout the day during the spawning season. RT-PCR study revealed that P450arom (br) was expressed in skin, anal fin and tail fin of both male and female wrasse. P450arom (br) was not detected at any time of the spawning day in either ovary or testis of wrasse.