Background: In 1997-1998, 6127 asymptomatic children aged 2-4 years were screened for coeliac disease (CD) by anti-endomysium (EmA) testing in the Netherlands. After 6 (+/-2) months, biopsies were performed in 57 seropositive children; 31(54%) had villous atrophy, but 26 (46%), all HLA-DQ2/DQ8 positive, had normal histology.
Aims: To reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies after serological mass screening for CD in asymptomatic young children by optimizing screening procedures.
Methods: Comparing different tests and optimizing their cut-off point: screening samples were tested for EmA, tissue-transglutaminase (tTGA), antigliadin and deamidated-gliadin-peptides (anti-DGP) antibodies. Determining serological persistence over time: persistence of EmA and tTGA was determined by testing serological samples obtained at biopsy.
Results: Tissue-transglutaminase and anti-DGP correlated with EmA. Optimization of standard cut-off points not only reduced unnecessary biopsies by 50-96% but also reduced sensitivity. EmA persisted in all CD children, but in only 50% of the non-CD children. tTGA persisted in 83% of CD, but in only 15% of non-CD children.
Conclusions: Coeliac disease antibodies may be present transiently in genetically predisposed children. To avoid unnecessary biopsies, serological mass screening procedures may be improved by repeating EmA and/or tTGA in initially seropositive young children after 6 months, before proceeding to biopsy. This may reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies that are performed.