Studies on psychoeducation in schizophrenia demonstrate significant effects on rehospitalization rates, compliance and knowledge. Within the framework of the Munich COGPIP study we examined whether borderline intellectual disability in patients with schizophrenia limits the benefit from psychoeducational groups. A total of 116 inpatients with schizophrenic or schizoaffective disorders were recruited for the COGPIP study. A manualized, interactive psychoeducational programme of eight sessions (4 weeks) was initiated. Measures of knowledge, adherence and the concept of illness were completed before and after the groups. The short-term outcome of 22 participants with schizophrenia and borderline intellectual disability (IQ 70-85) was compared with the outcome of 75 participants with schizophrenia and IQ > 85. Results showed that individuals with schizophrenia and borderline intellectual disability could be successfully integrated into general psychoeducational groups. The conclusion is that borderline intellectual disability should not be an exclusion criterion for participation in such groups.
Trial registration: NCT00646256.