Apolipoprotein B (apoB) was mapped using electron microscopy to visualize pairs of monoclonal antibodies binding to the low density lipoprotein (LDL) surface. The sites at which these monoclonals bind the apoB polypeptide sequence had already been established. The angular distances between all possible pairs of binding sites except one allowed the relative placement of six epitopes on the LDL sphere. We conclude that apoB extends over at least a hemisphere of the LDL surface since four epitopes are located in the Northern Hemisphere at sites arbitrarily designated as the North Pole, the Aleutian Islands, Bogotá, and in the Atlantic Ocean, while two are found in the Southern Hemisphere at Buenos Aires and at Madagascar. ApoB appears to possess a restricted flexibility, since these relative epitope locations show a substantial standard deviation in latitude and longitude. Mapping of additional epitopes may provide an answer to the question of whether apoB circumnavigates the LDL sphere.